Once you've identified the new or used vehicle you want from our inventory it's time to get you financed. Whether you're just starting out with little credit, have great credit, or have credit that's seen better days, we'll do everything possible to make sure you get the best rates and terms possible for your car loan. Our goal is to make sure you get the best financing possible anywhere in the TURLOCK region. We work with a wide range of lenders which helps us provide the best options for you and your financial needs.
We work with all types of credit histories
$ Top tier credit
$ Moderate and low credit scores
$ Recent college grads
$ Recent divorce
$ Gaps in employment
$ New job without much work history
$ Seniors
$ Military and veterans
What can you Expect?
Consider getting pre-qualified for financing by using our safe and secure form. A finance specialist will contact you ASAP with details and to set an appointment if you wish to discuss your options or get paperwork ready so you can drive off in your new vehicle.

If you have top tier credit, you may want to consider a vehicle offer of 0% APR, the advantage to you being the shortest term available.
For our buyers in the process of rebuilding their credit history, we offer extended lease terms, and have a variety of lending resources including banks, credit unions, manufacturer programs, and smaller local businesses. Auto financing is one of the best ways to progress your credit history back to a prime level. When you make your monthly payments, your credit improves each month. Your car payments will be reported to the major credit bureaus:
1. TransUnion
2. Equifax
3. Experian